
Simple double opt-in web app for Postmark mailing list

If you’re using an email service like Postmark, you’ll have to handle your own list management except unsubscribes and suppression (e.g. from hard bounces). To do this, a little web app will be needed if you want to do things like double opt-in (good idea). You’ll likely then want more features like profile management but the goal of this howto is getting a simple and hopefully secure webapp in place for /subscribe and /confirm (you can get unsubscribes/suppressions from Postmark via web-hooks or an API call).

How to generate a Nodejs SBOM in CycloneDX format

Generating a SBOM can sometimes be very simple and other times a royal pain. For this first SBOM tutorial, I’m going down the very simple path! :-) Using the open source ios-triage app, the following steps will build a CycloneDX SBOM in json format. As I’m hoping this blog is useful for folks new to security and/or programming, I’m going to provide a step-by-step approach. Note: these commands were run on macOS but can be easily adapted for Linux or Windows

Fixing Async Calls Missing Callbacks

I recently updated to the latest stable version of node (v7.5.0) with the following command: $ nvm install stable --reinstall-packages-from=node and when I ran my ios-triage cli app, I saw several DeprecationWarning messages: (node:3958) DeprecationWarning: Calling an asynchronous function without callback is deprecated. Initially I was pretty excited because I recently taught myself node and as a noob I knew I was missing some callbacks which was preventing my async.parallel final function to not run.